First Sunday of Advent - Cycle C
The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe - Cycle B
Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle B
11:00 AM Mass ONLY with Latin
Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle B
Thirty First Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle B
Solemnity of All Saints
November 1, 2024
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle B
Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle B
Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle B
Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle B
Rite of Acceptance
Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle B
Celebration of Mass for the Religious Jubilarians
11:00 AM Mass ONLY
Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle B
Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle B
All Masses EXCEPT 11:00 AM Mass
Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle B
Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle B
Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle B
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle B
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