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Mass Schedules
Sunday Anticipated Mass
5:15 pm (Saturday) in Basilica
8:00am in Basilica
9:30am in Basilica
11:00am in Basilica • Livestreamed here
12:30pm Spanish Mass in Cathedral Chapel
6:30 pm in Basilica
Monday to Friday
7:15 am in Cathedral Chapel
12:05 pm in Cathedral Chapel
12:05 pm in the Cathedral Chapel – Miraculous Medal Novena prayers recited following the 12:05 pm
Don’t miss Mass when you are away from home. Find churches in the US and abroad at:
• CatholicMassTime.org
• Masstimes.org
Wheelchair Accessibility
Our church building is limited for handicap accessibility. We have three exterior entrances with ramps, but only the door off the main parking lot has an automatic push button for wheelchairs. The rest of our doors would need a person to open the door for a wheelchair to go through.
Sunday Mass recordings available online
Recordings of Masses that were streamed live from the Cathedral are available at: https://vimeo.com/channels/catholicphillymass
Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation
All Confessions in the Cathedral Basilica
Monday-Friday: 11:30 AM
Saturday: 4:15-5:00 PM in Basilica
Sunday: 9:00 AM and 5:30 PM in Basilica
12:00 PM in Spanish in Chapel by appointment
La Santa Misa en español y los Sacramentos
• La Santa Misa es celebrada en español los domingos a las 12:30 PM en la capilla de la Catedral.
Para los días de precepto por favor mirar el boletín parroquial.
• El Sacramento de la Reconciliación o Confesión se celebra en español de 11:45 AM a 12:15 PM pm los domingos en la Capilla.
• Presione aqui para ver informacion de los demas sacramentos: celebración del Bautismo, Communion, Confirmacion, Matrimonio, y uncion de los enfermos.
• Para programar una visita al hospital, para recibir la Comunión, y para la Unción de los enfermos, por favor llamar a la oficina parroquial al 215-561-1313.
• Eventos de interes: presione aqui.
Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 22, 2024
Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 15, 2024
Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 8, 2024
Ministry and Volunteer Opportunities
You are cordially invited and encouraged to consider sharing your time, talent and treasure with your Parish and your fellow Parishioners by volunteering for one or more of the parish ministries, committees or groups. Please contact the Parish office at 215-561-1313 for more information.
Invitation to Choirs to sing the Mass at the Cathedral Basilica
Papal Honor for Msgr Savinski
Baby Bottle Drive – SEPTEMBER 21-29, 2024
Catholic Will – Provide a Legacy of Faith
Events for Young Adults
Bible Study
Join us for some fellowship and scripture. Click here for more info.
How do I…
Welcome to the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, the mother church of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Francis Patrick Kenrick initiated the building of this magnificent Church in 1846. It was continued through the tenure of Saint John Neumann and completed in 1864 by Bishop (later Archbishop) Wood. You are invited to not only learn more about our Cathedral Basilica through this website but also to join us for liturgy, for private prayers and for a tour of our imposing Basilica.