119_OT-2nd PA (Tri)
118_Feast of the Baptism of Our LordPA2013
116_Soleminty of the Epiphany of Our LordPA2013
115_Soleminty of Mary Mother of God PA-2012
114_PA Christmas 12-25-2012
113_ADVENT 4-c 2012
111_Advent Three-C
110_Advent two-C
109_Advent One-C
108_King-b PA
107_Communion Antiphon - Christ the King B
106_May Light Eternal
104_Goss Ps 23
105_Lamana SongOfFarewell
103_Musicians convocation program 2012
102_33 OT-b PA
101_32 OT-b PA
100_31 OT-b PA
099_30 OT-b PA
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