Choirs at the Cathedral
Cathedral Basilica Choir
The Cathedral Basilica Choir will sing at the 11am Mass each Sunday from Sept. 8, 2024 to June 22, 2025.
Auditions: Please contact Charlene Angelini at for more information.
Archdiocesan Choir
Archdiocesan Adult Choir Schedule
This auditioned choir consists of singers from throughout the Archdiocese and sings for major liturgies of the Archdiocese including the Chrism Mass and Ordinations. Each Advent, the choir performs a concert with a small chamber ensemble as well as a Requiem Mass every other year. Rehearsals are twice a month on Monday evenings. The level of the repertoire is varied and challenging.
For an Audition contact Charlene Angelini at
Cantus Angelorum Cathedral Children’s Choir

FALL 2024
Cantus Angelorum Cathedral Children’s Choir Schedule 2024-2025 Click Here
Spring 2023 Video Click Here
The Cathedral Basilica Children’s Choir offers a unique opportunity for young choristers to assist in the liturgy at the Mother Church of Philadelphia once a month at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul. Children from all over the Archdiocese come together in faith and fellowship to learn proper singing technique, choral blending and advanced musicianship through varied choral repertoire. They are given the opportunity to learn how to truly sing the Mass, with chanting as an integral part of their studies. This choir also accepts invitations from parishes across the Archdiocese to sing for liturgies of particular significance to the parish community and they perform in concerts both in the greater Philadelphia area and beyond. They were an important part of the World Meeting of Families and Papal Masses in September 2015, and traveled to Rome to sing for the Pope as part of the International Children’s Festival for Epiphany 2016.
Danielle Molan, Director
Danielle is happy to be embarking on her seventh year as part of the music staff at the Cathedral, directing the Cantus Angelorum Cathedral Children’s Choir. In addition to this, she is the Director of Choirs at The Shipley School. She also is the founder and director of Epiphany Singers, a choral ensemble in Philadelphia consisting of young adults.
Prior to her current positions, Ms. Molan studied music at West Chester University and Westminster Choir College, earning degrees in music education and sacred music. Since then she has worked with children grades Kindergarten through twelfth in many capacities, as well as college singers while directing the Rooke Chapel Vocal Ensemble of Bucknell University. She is also certified in both Kodaly and Orff methodologies, regularly incorporating these methods into her rehearsals. She loves working with young voices and molding them into the best singer/ musicians they can be!
Rehearsals are held two to three Saturdays per month, 10 AM – noon. Children may audition beginning in Grade 3. Tuition is $200 for the year (Sept. – May). The choir sings at the Anticipated Mass (5:15pm) each month on the SECOND Saturday of the month. This choir also performs in our annual Christmas Concert and combines with the Adult Cathedral Choir for Palm Sunday with the Archbishop and special Masses. For more information and to schedule an audition, please email Charlene Angelini at
Concerts at the Cathedral
The Westminster Choir and The Bach Choir of Bethlehem
Immerse yourself in the celestial harmony of Rachmaninoff’s Op. 37, a transcendent journey through the sacred texts of the Russian Orthodox All-Night Vigil. Praised as Rachmaninoff’s magnum opus and a pinnacle of choral artistry, it resonates with the timeless beauty and spiritual depth of the Russian Orthodox tradition. The All-Night Vigil is an a cappella choral composition that premiered on March 23, 1915 in Moscow, Russia. The piece consists of settings of texts taken from the Russian Orthodox All-Night Vigil ceremony. It has been praised as Rachmaninoff’s finest achievement and “the greatest musical achievement of the Russian Orthodox Church”.
Date: March 29, 2025 @ 7:30 pm
Location: The Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, 18th St. & the Benjamin Franklin Pkwy.
Complimentary Parking: use the entrance on 17th St. GPS address 222 N. 17th St.
Tickets may be purchased at:
For additional information visit:
Christmas Concert
The Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul will once again be having our annual Christmas Concert on December 7, 2025 at 3pm. Join the Cathedral Choirs and instrumentalists as they perform works by Gorecki, Monteverdi and Nestor as well as beloved Christmas Carols for all to participate. May we all experience the hope, joy and love of our Lord, Jesus Christ, throughout the Christmas season.
Date: December 7, 2025 at 3 pm
Location: The Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, 18th St. & the Benjamin Franklin Pkwy.
Complimentary Parking: use the entrance on 17th St. GPS address 222 N. 17th St.
Tickets may be purchased at:
For in-person:
For Virtual Livestream:
Liturgical Music for Your Wedding
On the occasion of meeting with the Cathedral Parish priest to set the date for your wedding and begin preparation for celebration of the Sacrament, he will give you information for planning liturgical music for your wedding. Please do not make any arrangements for liturgical music ministers or contract any musicians prior to your meeting with the Cathedral Parish priest.
Musician Fees and Policies
Liturgical Music Suggestions
Processional Marches:
- Trumpet Voluntary • Jeremiah Clarke
- Trumpet Tune in D Major • David Johnson
- Te Deum • Marc Charpentier
- Procession Alegre • Gary Cornell
- Trumpet Tune and March • Henry Purcell
- Canon in D • Johann Pachelbel
- Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring • J. S. Bach
- Air from Water Music • Handel
- Musique Royale • Richard Delalande
- Allegro from the 5th Symphony • Ludwig van Beethoven
Optional Opening Hymns (In place of an Instrumental Processional):
- Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You
- Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
- Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
- God of Love and Joy and Laughter (View Text)
- Let’s Praise The Creator (View Text)
- Hear Us Now, Our God and Father (View Text)
- God, Who Created Hearts To Love (View Text)
Preparation of the Gifts:
- May Love Be Ours • Michael Joncas
- The Gift of Love • arr. Hal Hopson
- May the Grace of Christ our Savior • Johann S. Bach (Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring)
- Where there is Love (Bist Du Bei Mir) • Johann S. Bach
- Panis Angelicus • Cesar Franck
- Laudate Dominum • Wolfgang Mozart
- Let the Bright Seraphim • George F. Handel (for Soprano Soloist)
- The Call • Ralph Vaughan Williams (Come My Way, My Truth, My Love)
Communion Hymns:
- Love One Another • James Chepponis
- Taste and See • James Moore
- Gift of Finest Wheat • Robert Kreutz
- I Received the Living God • Clément Jacob
Choral Selections:
- Thy Perfect Love • John Rutter
- The Call • Randall Stroope
- Ubi Caritas • Paul Mealor
- Ubi Caritas • Maurice Duruflé
Visit to the Altar of the Blessed Virgin Mary:
- Ave Maria • Franz Schubert
- Ave Maria • Bach-Gounod
- Seasonal Marian Antiphon (Salve Regina, Regina Coeli)
- Ave Maria • Philip Stopford (Choral)
- Ave Maria • Caccini
Recessional Marches:
- Trumpet Tune • Henry Purcell
- Hornpipe • George Handel
- Ode to Joy • Ludwig van Beethoven
- Rondeau • Jean-Joseph Mouret
- Trumpet Tune • John Stanley
- Psalm 19 • Benedetto Marcello
- Coronation March • Sir William Walton
Christmas Concert
Experience World Renowned Artists in Philadelphia’s Historic Cathedral

December 7, 2025 – 3pm
The Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul will once again be having our annual Christmas Concert on December 7, 2025 at 3pm. Join the Cathedral Choirs and instrumentalists as they perform works by Gorecki, Monteverdi and Nestor as well as beloved Christmas Carols for all to participate. May we all experience the hope, joy and love of our Lord, Jesus Christ, throughout the Christmas season.
Visiting Choirs
Upcoming Choirs are :
Holy Innocents Choir
Date: May 17, 2025
St. Agnes Choir
Date: May 31, 2025
Cantate Domino Choir Camp
July 28 – 31, 2025
9:00am to 3:00 pm
This camp is open to all boys and girls throughout the Archdiocese, ages 7-15. Our camp provides a unique musical experience, which includes an introduction to sacred repertoire, vocal breathing techniques, vowel formation, choral tone, sight singing and music theory. Don’t miss this amazing experience!
July 28 – 31, 2025
9:00 am – 3:00 pm
The camp will conclude with sung Evening Prayer at 7:30pm on
Thursday evening, July 31, 2025
This Camp will be FREE for ALL
If you would like to donate to our Cathedral Children’s Choir programs, please click below:
Additional questions, please contact Charlene Angelini at
Cantate Domino Camp 2018

Cathedral Organ

The Cathedral organ is one of the largest in the city of Philadelphia, having seventy-five ranks of pipes, ninety stops and 4,648 pipes on four manuals and pedals. The first pipe organ known to have been installed in the cathedral was built by John C.B. Standbridge in 1868 at a cost of $10,000.00. The Organ Dedication was on Wednesday, November 18, 1868. Participating Organists in the Concert were Mr. David Wood, Organist at St. Steven’s Church; Mr Henry G. Thunder, Organist at St. Augustine’s Church; Mr Hugh A Clarke, Organist at Holy Trinity; Mr William A Newland, Organist at St. Patrick’s Church; and Mr. Michael Hurley Cross, Organist of the Cathedral of SS Peter and Paul. John C. B. Standbridge of Philadelphia began building organs in 1840 and quickly gained a reputation for building exceptional pipe organs in prominent churches in Philadelphia and the surrounding area.
The Standbridge Organ was replaced, except for the 16’ Subbass, which still plays today, by a new instrument, Opus 939, built by the Austin Organ Company of Hartford, Connecticut for a cost of $30,000.00 in 1920. The contract, signed by the Cathedral Rector Reverend Daniel Gercke, for the Austin Organ Opus 939 contained some interesting features.
In the 1957 renovations it was rebuilt by the Tellers Organ Company and a new console was installed. During these renovations the organ loft was expanded to provide more room for the choir, which had been established in the 1920’s.
Tellers Organ Contract
During 1975-76 major renovations were completed on the organ in preparation for the 41st International Eucharistic Congress and the United States Bicentennial. In 1977 the Tellers console was replaced with a used Austin Console, originally built in 1922 for the Rochester Theatre.
Further restoration, undertaken in 1987, included the addition of the Trumpet en-chamade, situated on the ceiling of the organ case. There was also a Chancel Organ installed of 11 ranks, built in the 1950’s by the M.P. Moller Company.
The famous Organ Case is constructed of carved walnut. The richly ornamental screen is the design of Otto Eggers, who also designed the Jefferson Monument, the Mellon Art Gallery, and the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. The case enclosing the organ was most likely built by Edwin Forest Durang, one of the cathedral architects and builders. The Organ Case was featured in all three editions of “The Contemporary American Organ” by William H. Barnes. An inscription above organ referring to St. Paul’s election by God reads: “Vas electionis est mihi iste, ut portet nomen meum coram gentibus.” (“He is a chosen instrument of mine to carry my name before the Gentiles.”) (Acts 9:15).
1868 Dedication Program from the John C. B. Standbridge Organ
1955 Tellers organ information