Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time-Cycle C
Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time-Cycle C
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time-Cycle C
Solemn Funeral Mass - September 22, 2022
The Most Reverend Robert Patrick Maginnis
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time-Cycle C - Religious Jubilarians
11:00 AM Mass ONLY
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle C
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle C
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle C
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle C
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle C
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle C
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle C
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle C
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle C
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle C
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Clycle C
Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle C
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
11:00 Mass ONLY ( with Latin and procession)
All Masses EXCEPT 11:00 AM
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
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