The Importance of Making a Retreat
St. Katharine herself made a retreat to discern her vocation at a time when she felt pulled toward God but not sure which path to take to Him. She found the hope and trust during her retreat of March 1889 to join the religious life in May of that same year, all in order to become the first Sister of the Blessed Sacrament in 1891. We invite groups and individuals to spend time at the Shrine of Saint Katharine Drexel to listen to the call of the Spirit to find their own paths.
Special Retreats

St. Katharine valued education in the service of evangelization. Children, adults, and families preparing to receive sacraments are invited to make a retreat with us that will deepen their understanding of and appreciation for their upcoming sacrament.

St. Katharine wrestled with her calling for years before, with great humility, setting out on her path. These retreats are both for those who feel they’ve found their vocations and would like to deepen their engagement with them, as well as for those still prayerfully searching.

The example set by St. Katharine and the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament is celebrated in the spiritual enrichment retreats where retreatants reflect on the values and ministry of St. Katharine. Themes include eucharistic spirituality, racial justice, and evangelical joy.
Request a Retreat
To request a retreat at the Shrine, to arrange for a speaker from the Shrine to join your retreat, or to organize a St. Katharine Drexel retreat at your parish, school or organization, please reach out using the button below:
Shrine of Saint Katharine Drexel
in the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul
18th Street and Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 19103

Shrine Hours
Sunday from 8:00 AM to 7:30 PM
Monday – Friday from 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday from 9:00 AM to 6:30 PM
Perpetual Novena to Saint Katharine Drexel
Each Thursday following the 7:15 AM and 12:05 PM Masses
Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament
4 Neshaminy Interplex Drive Suite 205
Trevose, PA 19053