The Knights of Columbus (KofC) is a global Catholic fraternal organization founded in 1882, and dedicated to the principles of CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY, and PATRIOTISM. Through their Faith and these principles, brother Knights strive to diligently serve their parishes, communities, and the Lord Jesus Christ.
The La Rabida
Knights of Columbus Council
The KofC La Rábida Council 1191 was founded here in Philadelphia in 1907; named after the Franciscan Friary in southern Spain where Christopher Columbus spent two years awaiting his famous voyage in 1492 to The New World. Today, our Council 1191 continues its tradition of service and sacrifice, and invites like-minded Catholic men to join us.
We are a vibrant council with Catholic men over the age of 18 that are looking to get involved in the community and all walks of life. We meet at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter & Paul and are always looking for new members. It has been serving the least among us in Philadelphia since 1907, making us one of the longest continuously existing and historic Councils in the country.
You can join the Knights of Columbus using the below link or by sending us an email, or feel free to contact Tim Murphy at 215.236.9266.
The Knights of Columbus 1191 La Rabida Council would like to invite the men of our parish to join our fraternal brotherhood. Check us out at and email us at