sponsored by the Legion of Mary
Of the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul and the Shrine of Saint Katharine Drexel
The meetings are on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th Sundays of the month
1:00 PM ─ 3:00 PM
When Someone You Love Walks Away From God / Leaves the Church
Sunday, January 26, 2025
1:00 PM ─ 3:00 PM
Presenter: Barbara Rensman *
Spiritual Director: Sr. Mary Luchia,PVMI
Location: Neumann Room
Archdiocesan Pastoral Center, 222 N 17th St Philadelphia, PA 19103
Join the discussion on ways to love them back to Christ. Don’t feel like you’ve failed if your loved ones have left
the church. You’re not perfect.
God is perfect and he is longing for us to return to him.
* Barbara Rensman is a parishioner of the Cathedral Basilica of SS Peter and Paul and assists in several ministries including Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, Cathedral ambassador and most recently a joyful and grateful member of the Legion of Mary. She is a retired nurse practitioner.
All are welcome, free parking available.
Sandwiches, Coffee, and Donuts are provided during the Tea Break.
“The purpose of the Patricians Meeting is to build up the religious knowledge of the people, to teach them how to explain themselves and to encourage them to apostleship.” Quoted from the Official Handbook of the Legion of Mary, chapter 38: the Patricians