Ministry and Volunteer Opportunities

You are cordially invited and encouraged to consider sharing your time, talent and treasure with your Parish and your fellow Parishioners by volunteering for one or more of the following ministries, committees or groups. Please contact the Parish office at 215-561-1313 for more information.

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    This enthusiastic group of trained Ambassadors staff the Basilica every day of the week. They answer questions, offer assistance to all who come to the Cathedral Basilica. Schedule is flexible – one day or more a month.

    Altar Servers

    Altar Servers assist the priest at Mass and at other liturgies. Masses are assigned on a rotating basis.

    Altar Guild

    Volunteers from the Parish who give one hour a week on a rotating basis. They take care of the altar linens, vestments, and light cleaning of the sanctuary.

    Catholic Charities Appeal

    Volunteers are needed to assist in publicizing the annual Catholic Charities Appeal, which assists the poor and those in need in our Archdiocese.


    Greeters assist at Mass with welcoming, seating, taking up the collection, and assisting before and after Mass. Masses are assigned on a rotating basis.


    Readers who proclaim Sacred Scripture at Mass and other liturgies. Masses are assigned on a rotating basis.

    Legion of Mary

    The Legion of Mary is a lay apostolic association of Catholics who, with the sanction of the Church and under the powerful leadership of Mary Immaculate, Mediatrix of All Graces, serve the Church and their neighbor on a voluntary basis in about 170 countries.

    Ministry to the Sick

    Members of this ministry visit with and bring Holy Communion to the sick, elderly, homebound and those in nursing homes.

    Music Ministry

    This ministry includes cantors, choir members and instrumentalists. Cantors are assigned on a rotating basis. The choir sings at the 11:00 am Mass from September to July and at other special liturgies. Music reading is helpful but not required. Parishioners who play instruments are also encouraged to share their talents.

    Welcoming Committee

    This committee calls and welcomes new families who register as Parishioners at the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul. They answer questions about the Parish, and provide a personal contact for these new members of our Parish family.