Mission Appeal – PRELATURE OF HUANCANE PERU on August 10-11

On Saturday, August 10th and Sunday 11, Fr. David O’Connor, an Irish priest ministering in Peru, will speak at all the masses and make an appeal for the missions in Huancané, Peru. This new Catholic Diocese was established in 2019 by Pope Francis to serve many poor Catholics in a remote part of Peru. It is an extremely challenging mission territory with the highest permanent settlement in the world, la Rinconada at 16,700 ft above sea level, and also jungle zones, with some of the most dangerous roads in the world. It faces numerous challenges to spread the joy of the gospel among its wonderful people; we appreciate your generosity towards our brothers and sisters in Peru in the special collection.

Please consider contributing to this cause as they’re building a better future and fostering vibrant Catholic communities of service and faith around the world.