Annual Eucharistic Devotion – Forty Hours (December 3-5, 2023)

DECEMBER 3, 4, AND 5, 2023
The Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul is privileged to have this Annual Eucharistic Devotion beginning the First Sunday of Advent, the first Forty Hours in the Archdiocese with the beginning of the new Liturgical Year. These three days of prayer encourage us to take time to reflect on the great gift of the Eucharist to the Church, to each of us. The complete schedule of the Forty Hours can be found on the Cathedral website,
Cathedral, Events page-Forty Hours

You are invited to sign up for a period of Adoration (or more than one!) here:  It is helpful that we know at least 2 people will be with the Blessed Sacrament at all times, especially throughout the night, but please know it is not a necessity to sign up; stop in any time to be in Our Lord’s presence!  

The Annual Eucharistic Devotion, Forty Hours at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, which typically begins with the new liturgical year, will be an Archdiocesan-wide observance with exposition throughout the night to encourage in-person adoration.

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